Worldwide computer chip shortages are causing problems in many industries. For example, factories making cars are having to shut down their assembly lines because the computer chips that are essential to the cars' operation are on back order.
This is also affecting the computer market, as all computer manufacturers are experiencing delays in production that can lead to weeks or even months of waiting before the computer you ordered is delivered to your doorstep. Yes, you can walk into your local big box store and walk out with a computer, but your choices will be greatly reduced, and you may not be able to buy exactly the computer you were looking for (higher quality “Business” computers are are on especially long back order these days). What does this mean for you? Consider what you would do if your computer broke down and needed to be repaired or replaced. Repairs are also often delayed due to the combination of parts also being in short supply (covid has hit all supply chains) and the fact that people are relying on their technology more than ever, leading to long lines and waiting at computer repair shops. One way to look at it is that computer chips are "the new toilet paper." Click here to read more. For people who consider their computers essential, it’s not a bad idea to have a backup computer in waiting. If you have an older computer and are almost ready to upgrade, it may be worth it to buy a new machine before the old one breaks down, knowing that if the new computer ever needs to go into the shop, you can use your old one in a pinch. Having an extra computer available can make all the difference when disaster strikes. Basic maintenance of your computer will also reduce the chances of a big problem happening. Would you like us to take a look at your computer situation and give you advice, customized for you? We would be happy to do it. Click here to set up an appointment. |
AuthorJensen Gelfond is the Founder of Asheville Digital Lifestyle. He helps people use their technology more effectively and joyfully. Categories