Apple recently released its newest MacOS operating system, MacOS Ventura. Ventura has a few new tricks in its bag, such as better search, new email "unsend" and "schedule" capabilities, and the ability to recover recently deleted text messages. Click here to check out what's new in Ventura. Most Macs from 2017 and newer can upgrade to Ventura.
As with each annual MacOS release, it's usually a good idea to wait a few months after its initial release to upgrade, especially if you use 3rd party programs such as audio/video editing software. Our recommended safest path for upgrading your existing Mac is to perform the upgrade in January, ensuring that you have backed up your Mac via a Time Machine external hard drive or cloud backup "just in case," and checking that each of your non-Apple apps is certified as compatible with Ventura before making the leap. From the outset there have been security-related issues with Ventura, with many folks having to tinker with their antivirus software to get it working again after the upgrade. It turns out that this is a MacOS bug that affects many security-related apps, and while it's a quick fix for those who know, not all people will be aware of the issue, and it's problems like these that lead us to recommend caution when upgrading. |
AuthorJensen Gelfond is the Founder of Asheville Digital Lifestyle. He helps people use their technology more effectively and joyfully. Categories